Always Keep The Faith! ~AKTF~ =)

Let’s Never Stop Ourselves from Talking, Walking, Jumping and Running! =) You and I! Let’s live like nothing matter! :D

Friday, February 17, 2012

holidays! =)

It’s a wonderful holiday. J

Not much extravagant activities. Just the usual shopping, lotss of mamak session, home visit, karaoke, and food partayyyy! ;) I’m more than satisfied actually with my holiday. I know some would say it was just a waste o f money and time. Why meeting friends that often? But halloo. The often is needed to topup for all the lost time.

And I’m more than happy. Very much happy and satisfied. For being able to meet all my lovelies friends, BFF and dongsaengie… ;) A great CNY visit too. <3 Haha. Should’ve asked for more Mandarin orange. But cos I’m too shy, I didn’t do that. *sigh
Anyways. Friends staying in Malaysia and overseas, all reunion succeed! ;) Thank U guys for being there and willing to spent time with me. Words can’t describe how much I love u people and how glad I am to have U guys as friends for so many years already. And if we’re meeting in the next few years, who knows what U guys might become? All successful people. And maybe even a mother/father of two-three kids. J A very beautiful dream! =)

I’m starting school next week. I got my semester result already. And I’m cool with it. I could’ve done better, but let me act optimist like that please. :D I will maintain and even improve my performance. A whole new challenges for next semester.. I will bring all yr love, support and luck forward and do much much better! ^_^ Oh, I need to start reading stuff so at least my brain warm up before it’ll be put to a very stressful job starting this Monday.

This is too short for my liking. I suddenly have this ‘overflowingMUSE’? :DD LOL but before I become the new generation Shakespeare, I’d better stop. Cos I need to finish watching House! :D Take care everyone. See you guys soon! x)

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