Always Keep The Faith! ~AKTF~ =)

Let’s Never Stop Ourselves from Talking, Walking, Jumping and Running! =) You and I! Let’s live like nothing matter! :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

Disease and Health

From a study conducted for the past few years including 2011, it was found that CVS (Cardiovascular Disease) is the major cause of death and is the main disease suffered by NOT only Malaysian, but people worldwide. CVD includes heart attack, stroke, myocardial infarction, COPD (chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), etc.

Besides CVD, other main global, toplisted diseases are malignant disease (cancer and tumours), hypertension, diabetes mellitus. We are concerned on things like "Stop Animal Abuse", "Safe the Environment", "NO Plastic Bag Campaign", "NO Smoking Campaign", etc.

Altho I might say. Er, no I definitely supported the NO SMOKING CAMPAIGN cos obviously and it is of absolute certainty that smoking is one of the major contributing factor of the development of incurable chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and even cancer. U know rite that the smoke stick or also called the 'cancer stick' is a most widely used carcinogens yet, although knowing it, U choose to be ignorant and just taking it. And yes, please do practice special precautions like not being near those smokers whenever they smoke and avoid being at places where people randomly and freely smoking cos... Because My Dear, being secondary @ passive smokers exposed U to approximately 2 times greater chances of developing those chronic diseases than being an active smoker themselves. So? YEAH! Let’s fight for our rights! For our Health! For our life! :D Its just as important as it is to save the world cos honestly whats the point of U saving the world when there are too many sick, ill people living on it rite? Rite rite?

Other than smoking, alcohol appears to be another main cause of this disease as well. It is if taken in excess will causes damage to many organs especially liver! And, not only that ok? Alcohol will totally and greatly affect the sanity of ur mind and it is after all, major reason of many social problems. So? I know Alcohol and SMOKE/CIGARETTE is kind of common things. U despised DRUGS right? But these two items brings the similar adverse effects and damage just as that as drug!... So? *Think about it*

Anyways, as I was saying. We often neglected things related to our health. We thought that by practicing healthy lifestyle like taking healthy food, drink more water, no random sex and all that will prevent yourselves from getting all these diseases. But I must say, it does not truly help cos basically body works on its own. Altho U looked physically healthy and fit, it does not mean that U are totally healthy. There is more to that. I know U might feel bored with this phrase already but it is very true that "PREVENTING is the best Measure that CURING a Disease".

So, people please put more concern on our health.
Please expose urself more to health-related articles or news. Get the basic, 'humane' and informative articles which will tells u a lot about health condition and all. Don't be too lazy to read ok?
Besides that, please also do frequent medical check-ups. At least, for 1-2 times a year? Especially if Ur family have history of these diseases. Because somehow it can also be inheritable, and being a family put U at high risk of developing it as well. So DO GO For MEDICAL Check-ups ok? ^_^
Also always practice a healthy lifestyle and live in healthy environment! :)

So that's totally it.
Just. Love Yourself too, OK? =)
Because basically to make someone and others to love US, we have to love ourself first! <3

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