Always Keep The Faith! ~AKTF~ =)

Let’s Never Stop Ourselves from Talking, Walking, Jumping and Running! =) You and I! Let’s live like nothing matter! :D

Monday, November 21, 2011

Obsession! :D

i know today is the final match between Malaysia and Indonesia! And Congratulations Malaysia! U ruled, Tiger rulling the Asia! :D 

Anyways. i'm not exactly ecstatic about that. i'm more obsessed with this tonite!! i just couldn't take my eyes of it!! :DD 

i asked mommy for this but of course she bought me another one.  *no matter, still love U mommy! <3 *

I don't know yet where can i stick this at! :D

is waiting for my ordered set! :) 

honestly, i'm interrupting the peace and life of people around me. Whining, weeping and all things possible to nearby human being. Yeah, after this people. go get online banking. there is certainly no use of having lots of atm cards and saving accounts and a debit card if U don't have e-banking rite now. :( 

But, a great THANK U for the superb woman Miss Lim 'Ginny' Jeannie for all the help given. for ur patience and strength to bear all my weeping and whining and i honestly love You for bringing me closer to my dream jewelleries! :DDD

And that's all. I have a quiz tomorrow of Rx Analysis. and i did not study just yet all the 5 chapters! And another 3 hours of lab practical. Oh Goddess, save me!! 
Anyways. What a LOVELY Night! =) 


mood : ecstatic, music : Get Out, JYJ! =)

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