Always Keep The Faith! ~AKTF~ =)

Let’s Never Stop Ourselves from Talking, Walking, Jumping and Running! =) You and I! Let’s live like nothing matter! :D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To A Friend

How would YOU react when someone told U they are expecting DEATH? 

When that someone told U the very unfortunate, terrible experiences of life she had been going through because of her disease and had been so for more than 2 years.. When she had been sooo happy back then. A person with very cheerful, bubble, bright personality? A person who always makes others happy and makes people all energised with only a simple words. 

Especially when that someone was a friend of yours. 

And i'm simply shocked and speechless and I just don't know what to say. Especially after she revealed that. And that she said she was sorry and she was a terrible person for not completing things she should have done for us. And i'm so shocked and i feel soooooooooooo terrible right now. I don't know what to say to her! Really i don't. And i'm still shocked.

I'm praying for your well being dear friend. Just so U know. I am always happy with you and I appreciate your care and concern for us. And there's nothing for U to apologize for cos U have always been the best woman and the best of friend for me. And I love you and I wish I could do more for you. I'm praying for more happiness for you and please do not burden your mind for us and just this once, please, live for yourself. U have been a great person all this time and shall always be remembered as that. :) I love you.

Get well soon.  

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